Position of road and light is not so good in sonma villatge. There is a road about 2 km in sonma village made of bricks. which is now destroyed by flood. After 2000 (come in use) it is not repaired once till now. Forby main(pakki) road is avialable from Bathnaha to Majhoura (about 200 km far from sonma). If we go to road satuated west side of sonma village which also meets sonma from NH-104 via chakba and rupauli is also not in good satuation. it is about 1.25 km kachchi (made without bricks)road which is fully destroying in rain season. There is a bridge in north sonma village which is now in good satuation from 2009. Light is not avialable in sonma village. However this work is in process since 2 years till oct-2013 but it is not finished. So for lighting in sonma village private generator system is used on the basis of paying Rs. 60/- for per connection/month. This service is available only for four hours from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Villagers use this service for lighting and mobile charging. There are some Solar system is also available but causes of maintenance they are destroyed. Some people uses his personal solar system for lighting. which is a better way for electricity, but after these system diya and lamp is using in sonma for light. How can you reach to sonma?
If you want to come in sonma from anywhere of the world. first you will have come to patna by airways or train. After reach patna you have to come Muzaffarpur by bus. After reach Muzaffarpur you will have two ways to reach Sitamarhi that is Bus and Train. You will have to choose any one option and come to Sitamarhi.
You will have to come to Bathnaha by bus or auto and now go to about 2 km south from bathnaha by auto. You will have to stay near the playground satuated near the main road from Bathnaha to Majhoura. Now come to about 200 mtrs. south-west. Now you are in Sonma. Welcome........!
Patna >> Muzaffarpur >> Sitamarhi >> Bathnaha >> Sonma

