Agricultural position in this village is good. Thesedays scientific methods are applied by farmers in this village also. Pump sets, rota-vetor, tractor, threshers, etc. is also used on highest level, however thesedays ox is also used in agriculture.
High quality seeds are used for better growth. Rice, wheat, sugarcane, vegitables, etc. are main crops in Sonma.
There was also some waste-land in this village. But now those lands are also useful for different purposes. But causes of electricity problem farmers dependent on raining. So, some year rice is not growth with its natural ratio. Potato is used for main vegetable and tomato, brinjal, pumpkin, etc are uses as green vegitables. Palak, ninu, bathua, mustard etc are uses with vegitables. Coriander, mustard, chilli, turmeric, ginger, onion, etc are the main spice used by villagers. Mustard, sunflower, etc uses as oil. Moong, pea, masoor, arhar (rahar), etc uses as pulses. Banana, lichi, cucumber, mango, guava, etc are the main fruits in sonma. Buffalo and cow are main sources of milk in this village.Buffalo and cow are main sources of milk in this village. In additional some paultri farm is also came in use since some years but some are closed and some is in use till yet, but they are also not is good satuation. Urea, zinc, phosphate, sulphate, are main chemical fertilizer and dung of animals as natural fertilizer uses by farmers. Because agriculture is the main occupation of villagers so they do their work honestly and labouriously but sometimes these labour is being destroyed by flood.

