1. "Sonma.mobie.in" is a popular website in sitamarhi district of Bihar state. This site also offers for advertisements. If you have a growing business then you can contact us for advertisement of your business. We will help you growing your business by publishing your business details on our website. 2. We will also provide flash advertisement on our homepage. If you book this advertisement sight for publishing your business then your business will be just popular in your customers. So, just contact for this sight. because it may be late after booking by any other company.
3. We publish your business details on our websites by two ways: (i) Mobile views (ii) Computer views. If you want to publish your business in mobile view then it will be publish in mobile view and if you want to computer view then it will be publish in computer view. Mobile view publish your business between mobile phone users of this website and computer view will be publish between computer users of this website. 4. Charges of your advertisements on our website will be basis of space using by you for your advertisement. It will be differ for general advertisement and flash advertisements. Cost of mobile view is surely less than computer view (PC View) But in case of general and flash it may be changed.
5. You can pay by two mode (i) By Bank Account (ii) By Hand to Hand. To know more about this please contact us by using our contact formula available on "Contact us" Page. You can also contact for advertisements from our team persons present in your nearest village or blocks. 6. If you have any problem to contact us then you can direclty contact us on our address given in Contact us section of this website. we wish your business for grow up in related industry. Thank you.......

