Population of sonma is about 2500, in which about 1300 are educated and rest are uneducated. However since back years this rate is being good. Now litracy rate is being good because about 100% children are now going to school.< br /> People of this village is so honest and labourious. They respects thoughs of each other and help them in any function. In this village in any function people invite each other for enjoy function.
Agriculture is the main occupation of villagers. Yet, some people have govt. jobs and some have personal business. But most of youngers living in other states to earn money because they have no work in this village which may be source of earn money.
For cooking people uses wood and Goytha. however some people also uses LPG. Rice and Bread is the main food of villagers but litti and chokha is famous in this area.
Boys wear pant and shirt, girls wear samij, salwar and dupatta, old man wear dhoti and kurta, ladies uses saree. However students uses his/her discipline school dresses.
People mainly use cycle for travelling But for more travelling they use Motorcycle, auto and bus. Thela and riksha is also used for different purpose. Cart is mainly used for wood cartage.
Ox, buffalo, cow and goat is main domestic animal in this village. Cow and buffalo is mainly used for milk, Goat for meat, while Ox for agriculture purpose.
There are two religion of people living in sonma. They are Hindus and Muslims. They are living brotherly and also share his thaught with each other.
Holi, Deepawali, Durga Pooja, Chhath Pooja, Sarswati Pooja, etc. are the main religious and popular festivals in sonma. People celebrate these festivals brotherly and peacefuly.

